Like many good things imbibed at school, healthy eating habits formed for life may have its foundation in school, a recent study has outlined.
Like many good things imbibed at school, healthy eating habits formed for life may have its foundation in school, a recent study has outlined. In that respect, schools do carry a responsibility to inculcate good eating attitudes in children.
The Healthy ONES (Healthy Options for Nutrition Environments in Schools) study encouraged collaboration of communities and schools to inspire children to eat healthy.
Loel Solomon, PhD, vice president of community health at Kaiser Permanente, said, "If we want to have the broad reach and impact necessary to address the enormity of the childhood obesity epidemic, it's critical that we engage children and their families within school communities. Powerful results like these are why school-based interventions are a key element of Kaiser Permanente's prevention strategy, and why we will be redoubling our efforts in schools in the years to come."