In an exploration of the 'great Pacific Ocean garbage patch', scientists from the Scripps Environmental Accumulation of Plastic Expedition (SEAPLEX) have discovered extensive
In an exploration of the 'great Pacific Ocean garbage patch', scientists from the Scripps Environmental Accumulation of Plastic Expedition (SEAPLEX) have discovered extensive plastic debris floating 1,000 miles from land.
The Scripps research vessel (R/V) New Horizon left its San Diego homeport on August 2, 2009, for the North Pacific Ocean Gyre, located some 1,000 miles off California's coast, and returned on August 21, 2009.Scientists surveyed plastic distribution and abundance, taking samples for analysis in the lab and assessing the impacts of debris on marine life.
Before this research, little was known about the size of the "garbage patch" and the threats it poses to marine life and the gyre's biological environment.
The expedition was led by a team of Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) graduate students, with support from University of California Ship Funds, the National Science Foundation (NSF) and Project Kaisei.
"SEAPLEX was an important education experience for the graduate students, and contributed to a better understanding of an important problem in the oceans," said Linda Goad, program director in NSF's Division of Ocean Sciences.
"We hope that SEAPLEX will result in increased awareness of a growing issue," she added.
Team members began 24-hour sampling periods using a variety of tow nets to collect debris at several ocean depths.
The scientists found that at numerous areas in the gyre, flecks of plastic were abundant and easily spotted against the deep blue seawater.
Among the assortment of items retrieved were plastic bottles with a variety of biological inhabitants. The scientists also collected jellyfish called by-the-wind sailors (Velella velella).
On August 11th, the researchers encountered a large net entwined with plastic and various marine organisms.
They also recovered several plastic bottles covered with ocean animals, including large barnacles.
By the end of the expedition, the researchers were intrigued by the gyre, but had seen their fill of its trash.
"Finding so much plastic there was shocking," said Goldstein. "How could there be this much plastic floating in a random patch of ocean - a thousand miles from land?" he pondered.