Scottish scientists have succeeded in growing kidneys in a laboratory that could help tackle the shortage of organs for transplant.

Researchers at the University of Edinburgh created the organs by manipulating stem cells - early cells that are the building blocks of the body - to form the structure of a kidney.
They then managed to create kidneys that measure just half a centimetre in length - the same size as a kidney in a foetus, which they hope will be able to grow to maturity after being transplanted into patients' bodies.
The kidneys were grown in the laboratory using a combination of cells from amniotic fluid - the fluid that surrounds all babies in the womb - and animal foetal cells.
The technique holds out the prospect of scientists being able to collect amniotic fluid at birth to be stored until needed at a later date if a patient develops kidney disease.
The patient's own amniotic fluid cells can then be used as the base for creating a new kidney.
The Edinburgh researchers are at the forefront of a global attempt to use stem cells culled from amniotic fluid to create new human kidneys.
The study will be presented at the Edinburgh Science Festival later this month.