Survivors of sepsis, a devastating and life-threatening response to infection have expressed a need for advocacy and follow-up support, reveals a new study.
Hospital mortality rates linked to sepsis have declined over the last decade, raising the number of survivors of sepsis who may experience long-term consequences. Hence, sepsis survivors have expressed a need for advocacy and follow-up support, reports a new study. The findings of the study are published in the journal Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing. "Sepsis is a devastating and life-threatening illness with serious long-term consequences," said Reba Umberger, lead author of the study and an assistant professor in UTHSC's Acute and Tertiary Care Department.
‘Sepsis can lead to conditions such as septic shock, altered mental status, acute kidney injury, or organ failure. It is a medical emergency that requires prompt attention and treatment.’
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Umberger was previously an assistant professor at UT Knoxville, where the study was conducted.Read More..
"Our study aims to identify how participants perceive their illness and its aftermath."
Researchers conducted interviews with survivors nearly two years after their admission to an intensive care unit with sepsis. UT Knoxville's Transdisciplinary Phenomenology Research Group, led by Sandra Thomas, a professor of nursing, assisted in analyzing interview transcripts to identify common themes.
The study identified five major themes among survivors: how they survived, blurring of time and counting time by events, helpful versus unhelpful assistance, feeling powerless and striving for control, and survival without full recovery.
"Participants were younger than expected, possibly indicating that those we could not reach were too ill to respond. We knew that survivors could develop post-intensive care syndrome (PICS) as well as increased risk for new infections," said Umberger. "Recovery after sepsis is very individual, and our method of interviewing participants allowed them to direct what stood out as important, so we did not probe about symptoms unless they shared them."
"Because of the unique qualitative nature of the in-depth interviews, this study revealed the meaning of the sepsis experience to the participants, which was previously not well understood," said Umberger. "Our recent analysis of the 2015 Nationwide Readmission Database shows that about 18 percent of patients admitted with sepsis experienced at least one readmission with sepsis within three months.