Meningitis is a serious disease which inflames the delicate membrane of the brain, caused by viral or bacterial infection.

‘Amelia missed out on the Meningitis B booster vaccination by a couple of months which succumbed her to the disease.’

Scudder, 21, said: "She was born on April 7 last year so she missed out on the catch-up meningitis B vaccine by just one month.
"She might still be alive if she had been given the vaccine. I want other parents to know it's not only a rash that can be a warning sign. 

She added, "That night Amelia had a bit of a temperature and rosy cheeks, I put it down to teething and her temperature went down with Calpol. "Within 12 hours of anything seeming wrong Amelia lost her life at 10.45pm from meningococcal septicaemia."
In September last year, the NHS made the meningitis B vaccine available to all babies born after June 2015.
Thirteen doctors battled in vain to save her life at St George's Hospital in Tooting before she died on December 4. Scudder, who is 18 weeks pregnant with Amelia's younger brother, said: "There's so much about meningitis on the news at the moment and I'm desperate to raise awareness. "If I can raise enough awareness through my own awful personal experience and save just one child's life, then the whole process would have been worth it."
The community support worker added: "Amelia missed out on the Meningitis B booster vaccination by a couple of months, but I think all children should get the jab. It's absolutely crazy that children born before a certain date don't get the vaccination and their parents will have to go private."