Erectile dysfunction is thought to be a common problem with the Middle-aged and older men, while sparing the young, college aged men.
Erectile dysfunction is thought to be a common problem with the Middle-aged and older men, while sparing the young, college aged men. But now, Dr. Najah S. Musacchio, a fellow at Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago, went a step further in finding out if this problem could have hit even the young!
To delve deeper and understand, Musacchio and fellow researchers began a survey of the college-age males in Chicago to throw more light on this subject.The finding really surprised the researchers because nearly 13 % of the men reported having suffered erectile dysfunction, while 25 percent said the erection didn’t hold on even till they put on a condom, and another 6 percent said they resorted to drugs like Viagra, Cialis or Levitra to alleviate this problem. According to Dr. Irwin Goldstein, a Boston-based urologist specializing in sexual medicine, many young people are suffering from the erectile dysfunction problem and are not going out to seek help.
Goldstein feels that nearly 20 to 25 percent of college-aged males are gripped with some form of sexual problem. The survey also revealed that the young who faced the ED problem did not want to discuss the problem with their health care providers. This has indeed caught the attention of researchers and health care workers, because a whole host of associated problems can crop up due to erectile dysfunction if left untreated. ED is known to trigger problems of depression, anxiety and decreased sexual satisfaction. The survey also revealed that the young men resorted to alcohol, drugs in combination with ED medications to boost the sexual performance.