Irish Kidney Association has revealed that long working hours and other relevant conditions are encouraging young doctors to look for greener pastures.

“2014 wasn’t a great year for organ transplant. The situation in Beaumont is improving slightly but there is a shortage of surgeons who carry out the necessary transplants,” said Mr Flood.
He announced that an Organ Donor Transplant Center has already been set up. “The center will have co-ordinators based in all five acute hospitals. The activities of the center will lead to more transplants,” he said.
Flood said that long working hours and conditions are encouraging young doctors to emigrate.
“I heard on the radio the other morning that 50% of interns surveyed said they would definitely be leaving the country after their education was finished, which I think is a terrible shame. And the other 50% are actively thinking about it. So, we will launch more awareness programmes expecting a tremendous change in this trend,” he said.