Tired of getting tanned every time you step out into the sun? Try these home remedies which are easy to do to stay tan free!

Here are a few pointers that can help get rid of the tan:
1. ICE: Ice acts as a coolant for the body. For excess sun burns, take a few ice cubes in muslin cloth and apply gently on the tanned areas.
2. CABBAGE: Place a few cold cabbage leaves on the affected areas for 15 minutes and see the effects instantly. Repeat it twice a week.
3. VICKS: Vicks is very effective for burns. Take a small amount of Vicks and apply it to the sunburn areas and massage gently. People with excessive sunburn can do this twice a week.
4. CURDS: Apply curd plain or as a face mask regularly on the tanned surfaces for 15-20 minutes to get rid of tan completely.
6. BOTTLE GOURD JUICE: This comes handy for worst tan cases. Apply bottle gourd juice to the tanned areas 3-4 times a day. Although it doesn’t smell very nice, it is very effective in removing tans.
8. ALOE VERA: Aloe Vera gel lightens the skin within a week, if applied daily to the affected area. It also helps cleanse and nourish the skin.
9. LEMON JUICE: Lemon is great for curing sun tanned skin due to its natural bleaching properties. Apply some fresh lemon juice on the affected skin area and allow it to dry before washing the area with water.
10. POTATO: Raw potato is an excellent remedy for sun tanned skin. It is also rich in vitamin c and hence, works as natural bleach. It also helps soothe sunburn.