
Simple Tips to Avoid Food Poisoning This Holiday Season

by Colleen Fleiss on Nov 30 2019 10:30 PM

Simple tips to avoid food poisoning this holiday season have been revealed. If you experience symptoms of food poisoning, drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.

Simple Tips to Avoid Food Poisoning This Holiday Season
New study has revealed some important, yet simple, food safety precautions to avoid food poisoning this holiday season.
“The most common calls that the Tennessee Poison Center receives this time of year involve children coming into contact with raw poultry or uncooked baking mix, putting them at risk for exposure to campylobacter or salmonella. It’s pretty scary to look over and see your toddler chewing on a raw piece of chicken,” said Justin Loden, Pharm.D., certified specialist in Poison Information at the Tennessee Poison Center.

Symptoms of food poisoning include: nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhea. It can take only a few hours, or possibly days for these symptoms to appear, depending on the pathogen involved.

“When preparing meals, remember to keep young children out of the kitchen and limit the spread of germs by washing your hands, kitchen surfaces, utensils and cutting boards frequently with hot soapy water,” said Loden.


Wash your hands after handling uncooked food and before touching or eating other foods. Do not wash eggs, meat or poultry as this can spread harmful bacteria. Keep meat, poultry, seafood and eggs separate from all other foods. Use the microwave, cold water or refrigerator to defrost your frozen meat or poultry.


Use a quick-response thermometer to make sure foods are thoroughly cooked or reheated. The safest way to cook stuffing is outside the turkey in a casserole dish. However, if you cook stuffing inside the turkey, stuff the turkey just before cooking and make sure the stuffing reaches a minimum internal temperature of 165 F.


The bacteria that cause food poisoning multiply quickest between 40 and 140 F. Refrigerate leftovers promptly (within two hours) at 40 F or below to reduce bacterial growth. After eating, take the remaining meat off the turkey and store in the refrigerator. An entire carcass placed in the refrigerator won’t cool down quickly enough. Avoid cross-contamination by completely and securely covering foods in the refrigerator. Consume or freeze leftovers within three-four days.

If you experience symptoms of food poisoning, drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. See your health care provider if you have symptoms that are severe, including:

High fever (temperature over 101.5 F, orally)

Blood in stools or vomit

Frequent vomiting that prevents keeping liquids down

Signs of dehydration such as marked decrease in urination, a very dry mouth/throat or feeling dizzy when standing up

Diarrhea that lasts more than three days

If you suspect you have food poisoning, call Tennessee Poison Center for treatment advice. The Poison Help toll-free number is 1-800-222-1222. All calls are free and confidential.












