Six common foods that are major sources of salt in our diet have been revealed by the American Heart Association. The foods include bread, cured meats, Pizza, Sandwiches.

"Excess sodium in our diets has less to do with what we're adding to our food and more to do with what's already in the food," CBS News quoted Dr. Linda Van Horn, a research nutritionist at Northwestern University who volunteers at the AHA, as saying in a statement.
US dietary guidelines advises people to take no more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium each day, while AHA urges an even lower amount, 1,500 milligrams.
However, a recent survey from the association found that most Americans average about 3,400 milligrams each day, mostly from processed and restaurant foods.
That could potentially raise blood pressure, thus increasing risk for stroke and heart disease, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.
1. Bread and rolls - One piece of bread can have as much as 230 mg of sodium that adds up quickly if bread consumed at every meal.
3. Pizza - One slice can have up to 760 mg of sodium.
4. Poultry - Frozen breaded chicken nuggets contain about 600 mg of salt, while even packaged raw chicken often contains added sodium.
5. Soup - A bowl of soup warms contains around 940 mg of sodium.
6. Sandwiches -Combining breads with cured meats and cheeses ups the sodium level in a sandwich, especially if salt-heavy condiments like mustard and ketchup are added.