Climatic change plays an important role in skin dryness by producing oils from sebaceous glands to keep it lubricated.

‘Intense skincare for climate change-induced skin damage will be replaced by healthy and shining skin.’

Dehydrated skin is a condition that lacks water, whereas dry skin needs additional natural oils or sebum to restore it to health and is a skin type.

Dry skin shows signs such as irritated red skin that is scaly with white flakes and is regularly associated with skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, etc.
The sudden climate change, hormones, or age may play spoilsport and cause sebaceous glands to produce less than enough oils in dry skin type. Dry skin can also be a result of some health issues.
Dehydrated skin can co-exist with symptoms such as dullness, under-eye dark circles, itchiness, patchy skin along the increased incidence of fine wrinkles.
Increasing water intake along with a reduction in consumption of diuretics such as caffeine can help dehydrated skin in dire need of water.
Dry skin type needs intense care from within as well as on the outside and usually all year round. While during climatic change, this skin type needs additional care. So, in the present climate, ensure that you keep your skin moisturized at all times and keep it away from too much water and hot water.
Add a humidifier to the house during the winter months and after the daily nighttime CTM regime, consider adding a gel mask to the bed. This locks skin moisture all the hours you're asleep and on waking you will find plump happy skin.
Plant, seed, or nut oils such as shea, almond, and coconut nourishing for dry skin care while lactic and citric acids work great for the dehydrated condition.
Multitasking ingredients work great for both, such as the ultra-nourishing hyaluronic acid and ceramide. Both seal in the oils into the skin barrier thus boosting its performance and preventing moisture loss.
Apart from these, add a skin booster treatment or bio-remodeler such as Profhilo to your regime, which is rich in hydrating hyaluronic acid improves skin tone, radiance, hydration, and makes your skin looks firm and moisturized.