In suburban streets, speed limits should be reduced to 30km/h to encourage people to walk and cycle and tackle the obesity epidemic, say experts.
In suburban streets, speed limits should be reduced to 30km/h to encourage people to walk and cycle and tackle the obesity epidemic, say experts.
According to Griffith University transport planning researcher Matthew Burke, cutting speeds from 50km/h on local streets would not only reduce road trauma, it would also curb obesity rates by encouraging more people to walk and cycle."A car can stop in 3m travelling at 30km/h," the quoted Burke, as saying.
"It would make walking safe for everyone, it would make cycling safe enough for grandmas. It would be a very easy thing to do ... for next to no money," the expert added.
Dr Burke said cutting neighbourhood speed limits to 30km/h would make walking or cycling to school safer for children.
"By reducing road speeds, you limit traffic danger," he said.
"I think it's a joke that we think we're doing kids a favour with a 40km/h safety zone around schools when best practice globally is for all local streets to be down at 30km/h."