In a recent study it was found that lack of sleep ups the risk of colon cancer.

Adenomas are a precursor to cancer tumors, and left untreated, they can turn malignant.
"A short amount of sleep can now be viewed as a new risk factor for the development of the development of colon cancer," said Li Li, the study's principal investigator.
In the study, patients were surveyed by phone prior to coming into the hospital for scheduled colonoscopies at UH Case Medical Center.
They were asked demographic information as well as questions from the Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), which obtains information about the patient's overall sleep quality during the past month.
The PSQI asks for such information as how frequently one has trouble sleeping and how much sleep one has had per night.
The patients with adenomas were found in general to have reported sleeping less than six hours compared to those patients without adenomas (control) patients.
The study was published in the Feb. 15, 2011 issue of the journal Cancer.