Smokers demonstrated a higher aging ratio, and both male and female smokers were predicted to be twice as old as their chronological age as compared to nonsmokers, revealed study findings.

‘Study findings suggested that deep learning analysis of routine blood tests could replace the current unreliable method of self-reporting of smoking status and evaluate the influence that other lifestyle and environmental factors have on aging.’

According to study's results, smokers demonstrated a higher aging ratio, and both male and female smokers were predicted to be twice as old as their chronological age as compared to nonsmokers. The results were carried out based on the blood profiles of 149,000 adults. 

"I am pleased to be part of the research study, which provides fascinating scientific evidence that smoking is likely to accelerate aging. Smoking is a real problem that destroys people's health, causes premature deaths, and is often the cause of many serious diseases. We applied artificial intelligence to prove that smoking significantly increases your biological age," said Polina Mamoshina, a senior research scientist at Insilico Medicine.