A new study has revealed the positive effect of a smoking ban on maternal smoking, which has caused many expectant women to quit the habit.

Results show a 23 percent decrease in the odds of preterm births and a 37 percent decrease in the odds of maternal smoking in Pueblo following the ban, while El Paso County, Colo, showed no such drop during the same time period.
The study suggests that smoking bans have a significant and immediate positive impact on the health of infants and mothers. Pre-term babies stand a greater likelihood of experiencing cardiovascular issues later in life.
"This research proves that smoking is an irrefutable risk factor for expectant mothers who are acutely more affected," said Professor Robert Page.
"The good news is that implementing strong tobacco control policy can protect even the most vulnerable from the deadly consequences of smoking."
The study was presented today at the American Public Health Association's 138th Annual Meeting and Exposition in Denver.