
Smoking habit affects your baby's health

To ensure the health of their children most expecting moms will do whatever needs to be done. Whether it be vitamins, right diet or plenty of

To ensure the health of their children most expecting moms will do whatever needs to be done. Whether it be vitamins, right diet or plenty of rest. But are those moms who smoke, ready to set aside their habit or smokers who live or work with expectant moms willing to put their habit on hold for the sake of the child?

A statistics that came out of a recent meeting of the Baxter County Tobacco Control Committee was that Baxter County has the highest rate of pregnant women who smoke. Maybe these women soothe their consciences by telling themselves that smoking is really not all that bad for their children. There are some facts brought to light as part of the Campaign that gives those risk involved for babies.

There is reduction in the amount of oxygen and blood flow that reaches your baby. The baby breathe in carbon monoxide, nicotine, cyanide and more. Those breastfed are likely to ingest the same chemicals. There is an increase in the risk of delivering a low birth weight baby or delivering before the due date and your baby's lungs are hindered from developing completely.

If you keep smoking, you can expect your newborn baby to catch more colds, coughs, middle ear infections and more severe problems like bronchitis and pneumonia all of which can put your baby back into the hospital. If anything provides motivation to stop smoking, it seems being pregnant would.









