In a recent study which examined the snoring habits of people with headaches, a link was established between them. People with chronic(15 headaches
In a recent study which examined the snoring habits of people with headaches, a link was established between them. People with chronic(15 headaches per month) daily headache were more than twice as likely to also be chronic snorers than the people with occasional(104 headaches per year) headaches. The study involved people between age 18 and 65. When the researchers analysed people, those with chronic headache had an average of 260 days with headaches per year and those with occasional headache had an average of 24 headache days per year.// However researchers said more findings is needed to determine the link between snoring and chronic daily headache. The headaches could be causing the snoring, or the snoring could be causing the headaches. Chronic headache can result in disturbed sleep, and sedating medications used to treat pain can aggravate sleep disordered breathing. On the other side, sleep deprivation or excessive sleep can trigger migraine attacks in some people.