Model Sophie Anderton was relieved of her 1,00,000 pounds per year contract with Fake Bake, a bottled tan firm, after a sting operation exposed her as a drug-pedalling prostitute.
Model Sophie Anderton was relieved of her 1,00,000 pounds per year contract with Fake Bake, a bottled tan firm, after a sting operation exposed her as a drug-pedalling prostitute.
The firm, which paid her around £100,000 a year to be its face, sacked the former ‘I’m A Celebrity’ on Nov 18.'We’ve been forced to terminate Sophie’s contract. Fake Bake does not condone drug taking in any form,' Sun quoted a spokeswoman as saying.
At the weekend it was revealed, that Sophie, 30, who had been working for Fake Bake since 2005, offered sex for money to an undercover reporter from the News of the World.
She also asked if he wanted cocaine – and snorted lines in front of him. Then she arranged for two grams to be delivered, boasting of her supply’s quality.
Sophie, who made her name modelling Gossard bras, was secretly filmed stripping to a G-string and stilettos.
'I’m great at sex. I’ll look great on your f***ing arm. I’m a super-model,' she said.