Some essential tips to help you get the salary you have dreamt of have been disclosed by an author.
Some essential tips to help you get the salary you have dreamt of have been disclosed by an author. According to Jack Chapman, author of 'Negotiating Your Salary, How To Make 1000 dollars A Minute', if your offer is in person, use the power of a good pause.
"Repeat the offer and then blurt out this 4-letter word: 'Hmmm'. Be quiet for a little bit," CBS News quoted him as saying.
This pregnant pause may prompt the employers to simply ask why you're hesitating, giving you a natural opening.
Chapman has offered a list of other to-dos in order to get the dream salary.
Once you know you're on the shortlist, take some time to research salaries online, on a site like and You won't know what to ask for if you don't have the facts.
In order to persuade a company to give you more money, show them that you're likely to make them more money than other candidates - in other words, that you're a good investment.
Lastly, use partnership language.
Using words like "we" to describe the salary offer discrepancy and avoid talking about yourself.