As researchers from the Cambridge University were engaged in a cure for liver damage, they stumbled upon a cream that could be a potent anti-ageing product.

They chanced upon a finding that delivers cells with antioxidants right inside the mitochondria. This is the source of free radicals responsible for harming the tissues and accelerating ageing.
'Mitochondria are like batteries that provide the energy that all of our cells need to operate and stay healthy, including skin cells. Unfortunately this process also releases free radicals, which actually damage our cells. Antioxidants are the body’s natural defense mechanism to combat free radicals, but ageing happens because as we get older our bodies produce fewer antioxidants and can’t fight free radicals as effectively. This is what causes wrinkles and lines to appear,' scientists said.
'This is a major scientific breakthrough that enhances our natural antioxidant capacity restoring our cells to optimal function,' researchers said.