
Soothing Approach Minimize Bawling Babies Cry – Study Finds

When comparing the benefits of comforting crying babies or making them to settle themselves, the former approach was found to be better, through a study done by British researchers.

When comparing the benefits of comforting crying babies or making them to settle themselves, the former approach was found to be better, through a study done by British researchers.

New Scientist magazine reported last Wednesday, that babies, who were only 2-5 weeks older fussed and cried 50 per cent more and they were also found to be still crying still more after 12 weeks.

The significance and benefits of different approaches followed by British, Danish and American parents were estimated by Ian St. James-Roberts from the University of London's Institute of Education and find that some parents were very keen of their baby’s cry and comfort them more quickly and keep them closer to them and others were letting the baby to cry for a while.

Tears can be minimized to a great level by comforting them only on demand and not every time said St James-Roberts.
