
Source of obesity linked to eating pattern!

It has been a question of eternal debate and research as to find a connection between obesity among the poor and the limited selection of healthy foods in their stores.

A new study conducted with lead author Sanae Inagami, M.D., a researcher with the Rand Corporation in Los Angeles said that where people live may influence their food choices as much or more than where they themselves shop. In Inagami’s words, 'My feeling is that your neighbors do influence your health. Who you know and where you go shopping is related to your level of obesity.'

As per the study, people living in poor neighborhoods and shopping in even poorer neighborhoods were more overweight than those who shopped in grocery stores in wealthier areas.

The reason for this is again left to the researcher who says, 'I don’t think we’re going to be making any impact on obesity without looking at how social factors play a role.'

So now where you buy your food stuffs can also determine whether you would be obese or not!
