
Spearmint Tea To Combat Hirsutism

Consuming two cups of spearmint tea was found to bring down the androgen levels in women. This was reported by scientists from Suleyman Demirel University in Isparta, Turkey.

Hirsutism is a condition which is characterized by growth of excessive hair in the face, breasts and stomach in women. This is mainly due to an increased level of male hormone, androgen which is responsible for masculine characters.

Spearmint was used in earlier studies to bring down libido in men by reducing androgen levels. Hence the researchers chose to use this in women suffering from hirsutism.

Currently oral contraceptives and other medications are used to bring down hirsutism. According to the researchers, spearmint could work as a natural alternative in women suffering from this condition. More studies in this subject are needed to corroborate this finding.

