In Uttar Pradesh, the health department has launched a seven-day special drive to vaccinate pregnant women. The special drive will now focus on pregnant women.
In Uttar Pradesh, the health department has launched a seven-day special drive to vaccinate pregnant women. The data of the state health department shows that the immunization coverage in 2019-20 was 94 per cent which fell to 84 percent in 2020-21. The rate went further down in 2021-22 (till January) to 81 percent.
‘The special drive will now focus on pregnant women and children under two years of age who missed their routine immunization doses during the pandemic.’
Known as Intensified Mission Indradhanush 4.0, the drive aims to cover more than 2.8 lakh expectant mothers and 9.1 lakh children over the next seven days. The drive involves 1.3 lakh immunization sessions. The Union health ministry had identified 56 districts to be covered in the drive on priority, but Uttar Pradesh has decided to launch the drive across all 75 districts.