
Sperm Bank Releases Online Brochure Detailing Donor’s Appearance and Hobbies

by Kathy Jones on Jul 26 2011 8:04 PM

The London Sperm Bank has come up with an innovative idea to help its clients by designing an online brochure detailing the donor’s appearance

 Sperm Bank Releases Online Brochure Detailing Donor’s Appearance and Hobbies
The London Sperm Bank has come up with an innovative idea to help its clients by designing an online brochure detailing the donor’s appearance, characteristics as well as hobbies.
Apart from details such as the donor’s fashion sense, appearance and hobbies, the brochure will also display the reason why the men decided to turn donors along with assessment from the staff, including comments such as “very individualistic, quirky and artistic in nature” or “softly spoken, introspective, deep thinking”, which will help the women choose their desired donors.

Conventionally, sperm banks are not required to publish details of any donor. However many of them do provide basic information such as physical attributes and possibly social status.

In any case, these banks to not have permission to reveal any information that can help people identify the donor.

