Spicy food lovers, Rejoice! Eating hot red chili peppers can cut down the risk of death from heart disease and stroke.
- Spicy Italian chili pepper now becomes a heart-healthy choice
- Eating capsaicin rich chili peppers 4 times a week can lower your risk of dying from heart disease or stroke
- Make sure to add hot and spicy chili peppers to your daily diet to boost your heart health and live longer
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Details of the Study
The research examined 22,811 citizens of Molise region, in Italy, participating in the Moli-sani study. Following their health status for an average period of about 8 years, and comparing it with their eating habits.
Findings of the Study
Neuromed researchers observed that, in people regularly consuming chili pepper (4 times a week or more), the risk of dying of a heart attack was cut down by 40%. Risk reduction for cerebrovascular mortality was even higher since it resulted more than halved.
The Moli-sani study is the first to explore the properties of this spice in relation to the risk of death in a European and Mediterranean population.
Over the centuries, beneficial properties of all kinds have been associated with its consumption, mostly on the basis of anecdotes or traditions, if not magic. It is important now that research deals with it in a serious way, providing rigor and scientific evidence. And now, as already observed in China and in the United States, we know that the various plants of the capsicum species, although consumed in different ways throughout the world, can exert a protective action towards our health".
New researches will be now necessary to understand the biochemical mechanisms through which the chili pepper and its "relatives" (all united by the presence of a substance called capsaicin), scattered in all the corners of the globe, act. But, for the time being, spicy food lovers surely have one more reason to maintain their habit.
- Chili Pepper Consumption and Mortality in Italian Adult - (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacc.2019.09.068)