
Spider Web Inspires Scientists to Build Body Parts

by Dr. Enozia Vakil on Aug 24 2013 10:47 PM

 Spider Web Inspires Scientists to Build Body Parts
Researchers have now developed a new method to build body parts which is very similar to the way a spider spins its web.
The team at University College London used a constant stream of cells mixed with a polymer to weave the new tissues.

They think the technique could produce better results than other ways of building body parts for transplant.

THe team of researchers tested the technique by constructing blood vessels in mice.

The team at the University College London are using "electrospinning" technology to produce organs.

They think it will overcome some of the challenges of seeding a scaffold by building the cells into the transplant in the first place.

It starts with a broth of cells and polymer. A 10,000 volt electric needle is then used to draw out a fibre.

Dr Suwan Jayasinghe told the BBC that like a spider weaves its web they are able to draw out this continuous fibre of polymer and cells and weave a web.

The electrospinning technology has been used to create blood vessels by cross-stitching the fibres on to a rotating cylinder which is half submerged in a liquid to nourish the living cells.

The study is published in the journal Small.

