
Greens Play an Important Role in Controlling Skin Cancer Relapse

Recent study confirms that the use of spinach in the diet will enhance the integrity of the skin thereby preventing skin damage.

People who had earlier developed skin cancer have to exercise caution that they do not develop it again. They have to take care of their skin by using hats and sunscreen. To make the skin further resistant to UV rays, they have to take some nutrients. Spinach is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals and has anti-carcinogenic properties.

The Queensland Institute of Medical Research conducted a 11 year study on 1,000 people at Nambour, on the Sunshine Coast. The rate of developing skin cancer was reduced to 45% among people who consumed about three servings of greens per week.

According to Dr Van der Pols, “Green leafy vegetables are a good source of folic acid, vitamins A, C and E, the carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin and other components which may help to boost the skin's natural defense against the damage caused by the UV rays”.

She also stressed the importance of a balanced diet. It is important to understand that diet does play a role in preventing skin cancer but only in addition to the precautionary measures such as using a hat, sunscreen and protective clothing.' Have you had your bowl of spinach today?

