Spirometry should be performed to establish the diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), revealed a new study.

‘Spirometry should be performed to establish the diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), revealed a new study.’

study conducted at the Corpus Christi Medical Center in South Texas
assessed the accuracy of diagnoses and utilization of spirometry in
multiple primary care clinics.

65 patient records were reviewed and only 29% of the patients had spirometry testing or had results available. Surprisingly, 31.6% of the patients diagnosed with COPD were misclassified because the spirometric measurements did not confirm the disease.
"There is a strong need for education and training on multiple levels related to the diagnosis of COPD, one of the most common conditions treated by primary care clinicians. GOLD guidelines provide clear standards on which patients to evaluate with spirometry and how to perform and interpret the tests. Applying the updated guidelines in primary care will greatly improve the rate and accuracy of diagnosis, the first step toward proper treatment." says Dr. Stephen Eikermann, lead researcher.
The study abstract is available online in the journal CHEST.