Recently an internet-based learning exercise has helped a group of doctors increase their knowledge of herbal remedies and food supplements. Many
Recently an internet-based learning exercise has helped a group of doctors increase their knowledge of herbal remedies and food supplements. Many people take herbs and other dietary supplements, but find their doctors are lacking in knowledge about these complementary medicines. A group called the Longwood Herbal Task Force, drawn from health professionals of the Harvard Medical School and other prestigious US medical centres, has set up an internet-based education programme for doctors.
They devised a set of email questions,something like a questionnaire,and a list of links that would help answer them. A group of 450 doctors took part in the study and soon increased their knowledge of popular remedies like saw palmetto and gingko biloba using the programme. Given that the programme was easy to use and not time-consuming, it's to be hoped that other doctors might use this to increase their knowledge of complementary medicine.