
Stem cells aid to cure brain cancer

According to researchersthey studied on miceand found that the neural stem cells can track rogue brain cancer cells and eliminate them. Glioma is the most aggressive form of brain cancer. The tumour is often ill-defined, with malignant// cells making their way into healthy tissue, making the growth extremely difficult to remove Researchers at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center's Maxine Dunitz Neurosurgical Institute have found that neural stem cells can track and destroy brain tumour cells. The scientists engineered the cells to produce interleukin-12, a natural compound which can kill glioma cells. In this study, the stem cells were injected into mice with brain tumours. The animals survived far longer than mice not given the cells and, what is more, they also showed long-term immunity to brain cancer, indicating the potential of this new therapy.
