Stem cells derived from belly fat could be used to treat heart attacks, says a new study.s
Stem cells derived from belly fat could be used to treat heart attacks, says a new study. "The study suggests that these cells can be safely obtained and infused inside the hearts of patients following an acute heart attack," said Eric (HJ) Duckers, lead author of the small study and head of Molecular Cardiology Laboratory at the Thoraxcenter, Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
The treatment reduced the amount of damaged heart tissue, increased blood flow in the heart and improved the heart's pumping ability. These changes were not statistically significant, but the fat-derived stem cells worked as expected, Duckers said.
Duckers and colleagues recruited 11 men and three women for the prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
They randomized the 14 patients - 10 received stem cells and four got a placebo infusion. All patients had suffered a severe heart attack and had a catheter procedure to evaluate their heart damage within two to 12 hours of symptom onset.
With the patients' consent, researchers liposuctioned 200-250 cubic centimeters of fat from the abdomen of each, using a system called Celution 800 device (Cytori Tx).
From the fat cells, they isolated 20 million regenerative stem cells, which took nine to 10 minutes to infuse.
At six months follow-up, researchers found encouraging results in the treatment group:
The average size of heart muscle damage dropped from 31.6 percent to 15.4 percent in the treatment group. For the placebo arm, the average area of damage remained the same as when the patients enrolled in the study - i.e. 24.7 percent.
The infused stem cells did not interfere with blood flow in the heart.
Stem cell therapy was not associated with ventricular arrhythmias, which are potentially fatal erratic heartbeats.
Two patients experienced adverse events from the liposuction procedure. Both formed a hematoma, an area of swelling filled with blood.
The study was presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2010.