It's often called the wonder fruit. Now, a new research has revealed that eating strawberries could help stave off ageing and even prevent cancer.
It's often called the wonder fruit. Now, a new research has revealed that eating strawberries could help stave off ageing and even prevent cancer. It said eating the fruit helps boost antioxidant levels in the blood, reports the Daily Mail.
Higher levels of antioxidants have been found to combat the effects of oxidative stress, lessening the effects of ageing and even the chances of contracting diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease.
To cone to the conclusion, Spanish and Italian researchers fed 12 healthy volunteers half a kilo of strawberries over two weeks.
Results showed that eating strawberries regularly can boost levels of antioxidants in the blood and also help prevent red blood cells undergoing haemolysis, a process which sees them fragmenting.
Scientists from Marche Polytechnic University in Italy and the University of Granada in Spain say that the power of strawberries lies in the high levels of phenolic compounds they contain, which have antioxidant properties.
Oxidative stress can also occur as we age, when we exercise or even give birth, highlighting the potential of the humble soft fruit.
The finding was published in journal Chemistry.