A new study has revealed chronic diseases are becoming the main cause of death in people above 65 years of age in low-and middle-income nations, with stroke being the leading cause.

"Chronic diseases are rapidly replacing communicable diseases as the leading cause of mortality and disability in developing countries," said Professor Martin Prince, who led the study from the 10/66 Dementia Research Group at the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College London
Since stroke is the leading cause of death in older people, and education is a strong protective factor, prevention may be possible, adding years to life and life to years.
"The current global health chronic disease agenda is largely focused on reducing mortality among working age adults. The concept of 'premature mortality' applied in such cases, is essentially ageist," said Professor Prince, who is also co-director of London's Centre for Global Mental Health (CGMH).
"I hope our findings will help highlight the lack of information about end of life among older people in developing countries, both regarding potential for prevention, and support and care of the dying, who, in the poorest settings, may not receive timely or effective medical intervention."
In 2005, deaths of people aged 60 and over accounted 61 percent of all deaths in middle-income countries, and 33 percent in low-income countries, compared to 84 percent in high-income countries, yet there has been little research into the causes and determinants of these deaths.
Overall, stroke was the most common cause of death (21.4 percent), ranking first in all sites other than rural Peru and rural Mexico.
Most deaths occurred at home, with a particularly high proportion in rural China (91 percent), India (86 percent), and rural Mexico (65 percent).
Other than in India, most received medical care for their final illness, but this was usually at home rather than in the hospital or clinic.
The study has been published in PLoS Medicine.