
Study casts doubt on keyboard ills

Using a computer does not appear to pose a severe occupational hazard for developing the wrist and hand ailment known as carpal tunnel syndrome, according to a Danish study published Tuesday. The finding was based on a survey of nearly 7,000 workers at 3,500 locations who were questioned initially on symptoms and 5,568 of the group who were assessed a year later.
This study found a prevalence of possible carpal tunnel syndrome between 1.4 percent and 4.8 percent based on a screening questionnaire and a clinical interview, and an incidence of new or //aggravated symptoms of possible carpal tunnel syndrome of 5.5 percent.
The syndrome, marked by tingling and numbness in the palm of the hand and fingers, occurs when the median nerve gets squeezed at the wrist. Computer use does not pose a severe occupational hazard for developing the symptoms.
