
Study Finds - Black Holes Are The Most Fuel-Efficient Engines

According to the researcher Steve Allen of Stanford University in California, monstrous matter-sucking black holes in the space are the most fuel-efficient engines in the universe, from a research.

According to the researcher Steve Allen of Stanford University in California, monstrous matter-sucking black holes in the space are the most fuel-efficient engines in the universe, from a research.

When used in a car it will go about a billion miles (1.6 billion km) on a gallon (4.5 litres) of gas.

Huge bubbles in the hot cosmic gas of the galaxies, can measure hundreds or even thousands of light-years across.

Allen and his colleagues used NASA's orbiting Chandra X-Ray Observatory to measure the light-year, which is about 10 trillion km, the distance light travels in a year and used the above technique to peer into the inner regions of nine giant elliptical galaxies.

This triggered the researcher to discover-- the black holes' fuel -- was available. Other Chandra observations were used to figure out the jets to produce the big bubbles, the researchers said in a telephone news briefing//.

Allen said.The fuel reservoirs for these high-efficiency black hole engines are so big they could keep things going for hundreds of billions of years -- many times the current estimated age of the universe, which is 13.7 billion years.

This fuel-efficient phenomenon may be common to giant galaxies like the ones the researchers observed, but probably not to the Milky Way, which contains Earth. These giant galaxies are some 10 times as massive as ours.

Kim Weaver of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center said:These super massive black holes are ''green'' in another way.

According to Weaver new stars may be formed by the following way:The heat coming from the black hole jets is believed to heat up the gas around the galactic center; without this source of heat, the gas would cool down and form new stars.

