Experts say that certain precautions are necessary to steer clear of germs in the gym.
Experts say that certain precautions are necessary to steer clear of germs in the gym. On 'The Early Show on Saturday Morning,' Dr. Kavita Mariwala discussed tips one can try to keep from getting more than you bargain for during your workout.
She said that the best thing one can do is wash your hands frequently to stay away from any infection, reports CBS News.
Also, before grabbing any mat, take a quick look at it and wipe it down with anti-bacterial wipes, especially the part you expect to be lying on, and let it dry.
She also said its best to go with anti-microbial instead of antibacterial soaps, because one is hitting all classes of germs: fungal, bacterial, and viral.
Lastly one should use two gym bags, one for your dirty clothes and one for your clean clothes. It separates what's dirty and what's clean, so germs don't sit and incubate or spread.
Mariwala also suggested some tips that can guard against infection:
Run water fountain for 15 seconds before drinking; make sure it runs clear, because you don't know how close the person was to it before you.
Wipe down all equipment with anti-bacterial wipes; this includes not just the handles, but the buttons to ... anything you're touching.
Shower immediately after you work out; that's the fastest way to get bacteria off your skin. Don't wait until you get home.