Six hours of sleep every night and forcing extra sleep into the weekend doesn't make up for the loss of sleep of the weekdays, reveals study.

Furthermore, while having a lie-in helps people feel a bit more clear-headed, they are still slow and clumsy in their works.
Alexandros Vgontzas, a sleep expert and professor of psychiatry, monitored young men and women who spent 13 consecutive nights in his sleep lab.
They slept eight hours per night for the first four nights, six hours per night for the next six nights, followed by three 'recovery nights' of ten hours' sleep.
"After one work week of mild sleep deprivation, two recovery nights were adequate in improving sleepiness but not performance," the Daily Mail quoted Vgontzas as saying.
"The usual practice of extending sleep during the weekend after a busy work week associated with mild sleep loss is not adequate in reversing the cumulative effects on cognitive function resulting from this mild sleep deprivation," he added.