A new study by scientists from University College London has found why older people are prone to cancer and infections of the skin.
A new study by scientists from University College London has found why older people are prone to cancer and infections of the skin.
They have shown that defective immunity in the skin is caused by an inability to mobilize essential defenses that would otherwise recognize threats and clear them before irreparable damage is done.According to the researchers, this discovery could be important for preventing, managing or treating many age-related skin health problems.
"Older people are very prone to having infections generally and our studies in the skin of such subjects identifies one reason for this," said Professor Arne Akbar from UCL, who led the study.
"It's actually incredibly difficult to get to the root of exactly which mechanisms cause the diseases that show up as a factor of old age. We wanted to uncover the workings of skin health in order to see why older people don't deal well with skin infections and are prone to skin cancers also," Akbar added.
It has been known for some time that older people have compromised immunity and therefore defend themselves less well against infection and disease than younger people.
In the past, the reduction in skin health was put down to potential defects in the white blood cells called T-cells that would usually help to identify and clear infection.
"Knowing this now raises the question of whether the same defect also occurs in other tissues during ageing. Is it possible that, for example, lung tissues also fail to give out the right message to T-cells to bring them into the tissue to do their job? This may explain, in part, the higher rates of lung cancer, chest infections and pneumonia in older people, perhaps," Akbar said.
The study will be published in 31 August edition of the Journal of Experimental Medicine.