South Sudan and the World Health Organization (WHO) on Wednesday launched a four-year national strategic plan to fight deadly viral hepatitis disease.

‘New national strategy on viral hepatitis contributes to the achievement of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.’
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She said that South Sudan had around one million people infected and 250,000 infected with Hepatitis B and hepatitis C respectively, adding that 20 to 30 percent of those who become chronically infected with Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) could develop fatal liver ailments. Read More..

Yol said that the key objective of the strategic plan is to provide a coordinated, systematic approach of reducing mortality and morbidity due to viral hepatitis disease, Xinhua news agency reported.
"I therefore urge all sectors of government, implementing partners and the donor community to utilize the plan for the betterment of the health of the people of South Sudan, "added Yol.
Olushayo Olu, WHO Representative for South Sudan, said multilateral agencies will rally behind efforts to establish resilient health systems in the country amid resurgence of infectious diseases.