
Suffering From Depression? Walk It Out

A study conducted by researchers from University of Texas has revealed that moderate physical activity such as a brisk 30-minute walk can work wonders in easing depression. Other measures adopted by depressed individuals such as consumption of alcohol, caffeine or smoking are associated with adverse health effects.

The study has been conducted amongst a group of 40 individuals, diagnosed with depression. None of the study participants were on exercise or anti-depressive medication. One group was allowed to walk over the thread mill for 30 minutes while the other group rested for the same duration.

Both groups had reduction of anger, fatigue, ion tension and most importantly, depression. Participants of the exercise group reported feeling good, as reveled by scores on well-being indicators.

The new exercise plan has the distinct advantage of providing instantaneous relief (after completion of the walk) and is devoid of any side effects. It is however, only a short-term solution and not a cure.

The results of the study appear in the Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise Journal. The researchers further intend to explore the positive effect of exercise in easing depression.
