‘Don't panic’ said the Queensland Government to cane growers regarding the spread of a rare disease which might engulf about $800 million worth crops – according to estimates.
‘Don't panic’ said the Queensland Government to cane growers regarding the spread of a rare disease which might engulf about $800 million worth crops – according to estimates.
A total of 8 properties, were found to confirm by authorities to be affected by sugarcane smut disease. The initial case showed as a fine black powder of fungal spores spotted on cane paddock near Childers.Since all the areas around Childers were connected by plant or planting machinery movement, there seems to have a high risk level to the smut spread and if it happens a loss of $800 million over a 5 year period will result – canegrowers general manager Ian Ballantyne said.
But Ms Bligh rejected that the outbreak would costs as much high as deterioration as we think.
To keep the outbreak under control, steps were taken on a half way by the officers of the Department of Primary Industries in collaboration with the relevant commonwealth agencies and the industry itself.
Ms Bligh and Primary Industries Minister Tim Mulherin will urge the importance of planting smut-resistant cane varieties to the industrial authorities in the meeting to be held today.