
Sun screen in vogue: for fashion and for health!

The Scots have a habit of enjoying the sun in its totality, without the sunscreen at most occasions, this despite the fact that in UK skin cancer figures are close to 65,400as per CancerHelp UK.

The Scots have a habit of enjoying the sun in its totality, without the sunscreen at most occasions, this despite the fact that in UK skin cancer figures are close to 65,400as per CancerHelp UK.

According to reports, 7000 people annually contract a deadly malignant melanoma which results in 1600 deaths every year.

Underlying the importance of sunscreen says cosmetic doctor Simon Connolly of Edinburgh's Mulberry House, 'Its vital people wear sunscreen and a good sunscreen at that. It helps protect people against sun damage which can cause premature ageing, but it also helps protect against the harmful effects of the sun which can cause melanoma.'

What really hampers the purchase of a good suitable sunscreen is the fact that one is confused by the plethora of them available in the market.

Advising on this aspect is the expert herself, 'The sun emits ultraviolet UVA and UVB rays which can cause damage to the skin in the form of sunburn and premature ageing, as well as increase the risk of skin cancer. Therefore ignore all other frills and pay attention to the UVA and UVB protection.'

'The sun-protection factor indicates how long it will protect the skin against burning, so if you can usually sit in the sun for ten minutes, regularly applying an SPF of 30 will allow you to stay in the sun 30 times longer.

A tip from Simon is, 'Always look out for the star factor. And the general rule is the higher the better. The most important thing to choose is a sunscreen with a high UVB and a high star rating. I always recommend Sunsense, Avene and ROC.'

Therefore, always choose the best for your skin and do justice to it.











