Sunbeds are mostly used by red-haired people with freckles,a recent insight has revealed.
Sunbeds are mostly used by red-haired people with freckles,a recent insight has revealed. Nina Goad, from the British Association of Dermatologists, said: "People with very pale skin will never tan through UV exposure, they will only ever burn. If you are very pale and you want a tan, you will most likely find self tan products far more effective.
"Pale skinned people are also at far higher risk of skin cancer than other groups, so it is alarming that they are the most inclined to use sunbeds. This shows the pressure on pale skinned people to tan and the lengths that people will go to for a bronzed look."
According to the survey of 1064 adults from across the UK, conducted for the British Association of Dermatologists, only one in four people who like to tan used cosmetic products to do so, reports The Telegraph.
Around 70 percent said they sunbathed while 4 percent used sunbeds.
"It is ironic that in trying to meet an ideal of beauty, people are actually seriously damaging their skin." said Goad. "The truth is, to a greater or lesser extent according to skin type, sun exposure increases the risk of premature ageing, including wrinkles and sunspots, and more importantly potentially disfiguring or life-threatening skin cancer."