
Support to care takers of psychiatric patients in pieces?

A report published yesterday looks into support system props for care givers of mentally ill people

A report published yesterday looks into support props for care givers of mentally ill people in Ireland.The report elucidates the plight of most relatives and caregivers of mentally sick people in Ireland.Very often the rehabilitation and restoration of confidence to the mentally sick goes beyond the realms of hospital in –patient care.

It is the valuable time and effort spent by other care givers, often family members of the mentally sick, that enables them to rise up to the challenges of the world around them. The care giver however is very often clueless about many things regarding the course of psychiatric illness or what to expect at the end of treatment.

The report brought out by the Health Research Board (HRB) throws light many lacunae that is present in the health care system that should be filled in order to ensure ample services and support to these people with out whom the whole concept of ideal mental health care projected by the government could collapse like a pack of cards.

Tremendous support is required to cope with each stage of illness with a greater need during the initial phases of mental illness. Without formal support, practical assistance, reduction in complexities associated with hospital admissions care takers themselves floundering. A conspicuous lack in uniformity of services was noted piercing through both public and private sector mental health services. The authors of the study have come up with valuable suggestions which could go a long way to harness the most from the care givers, like improving the availability of appropriate information regarding sickness treatment, prospects of improvement should be made available to the care takers, appointment of mediators between families and health care workers, formal support measures for the caretakers throughout the period of illness of their relative’s illness.

