Men do not care to visit healthcare professionals unless they are forced to do so, reveals a survey by

Men do not care to visit healthcare professionals unless they are forced to do so, reveals a survey by The survey had asked 1,000 men aged over 18, out of whom 73% were aged over 45, about their views on health and their readiness to seeing healthcare professionals and to go through basic health checks - measuring weight, blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol. The responses showed some interesting insights. Although two-thirds of the men have a family history of some medical problem, 21 per cent have not consulted a doctor in the past one year and 2 per cent reported that they have never been to a doctor. Only 14 per cent said that they would visit a healthcare professional if they needed to, and a third said they would go only if their partner forced them to. Other figures indicate that overall, men tend to take health issues lightly. Even under the circumstances where parents or grandparents have suffered from cancer, stroke or heart disease, six per cent of the men said they would never go to a doctor even when they experienced similar symptoms; and only 65 per cent reported they would consult a physician. Factors that made men consult a medical practitioner included blood in urine/semen; chest pain; breathlessness; blurred vision; increased urination. Krishna Sethia, medical director and consultant urologist at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, remarked that men are usually embarrassed to discuss their symptoms, but this only delays diagnosis, which done early helps in successful treatment.