Smokers who start to use vaping can increase their chances of a prolonged life.
Smokers who switch to e-cigarettes, can reduce the risk of premature death and the overall prevalence of smokers can be reduced by 5%. A research team, led by Dr David Levy at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington DC, modelled the impact for public health if large numbers of cigarette smokers switched to e-cigarettes (vaping) under two scenarios - an Optimistic Scenario where smoking prevalence falls to 5% over a ten year period and a Pessimistic Scenario where it falls to 10%.
‘If large numbers of cigarette smokers switched to e-cigarettes for 10 years, would lead to 6.6 million fewer premature deaths.’
For the Optimistic Scenario, the researchers presumed similar patterns of e-cigarette use to now and used published evaluations of likely harm reductions. In this scenario, they calculate, replacement of cigarettes by e-cigarettes over a 10-year period would lead to 6.6 million fewer premature deaths with 86.7 million fewer years of life lost. As a result the average 15 year old switching to e-cigarettes would increase their life expectancy by 0.5 years.
The researchers then repeated the exercise under the Pessimistic ("worst case") Scenario, in which more young people are assumed to initiate e-cigarette and tobacco use, cessation from tobacco use is reduced, and the risks of e-cigarette use are at the high end of suggested estimates.
A 'worst case' prediction of harms from e-cigarettes (ie. where e-cigarettes turn out to be more harmful than the current science suggests) is also used, and greater uptake of vaping among non-smokers is presumed. Even in this scenario, the researchers predict, 1.6 million premature deaths would be averted with 20.8 million fewer life years lost.
The estimates do not include any health benefits from reduced disability and exposure to secondhand smoke. The researchers say that their results "can help the [US] Surgeon General and the public health community develop a strategy to reach the 'endgame' for cigarette smoking."
Even if the political will had existed for a sales ban, until recently no products could match the nicotine delivery efficiency of combustible tobacco with substantially less harm, rendering a sales ban a non-viable option, she explains.