
Sympathy and Old-World Charm Won't Make You The Big Boss

by Tanya Thomas on Jul 18 2009 11:03 AM

Being sympathetic, kind, co-operative and warm may lower men's likelihood of becoming bosses, according to a study.

A recent study has opined that 'being the boss' ain't for weaklings - here, defined as being sympathetic, kind, co-operative and warm.

The same may also apply to women to a certain extent, say the researchers behind the study.

According to reports, this study has provided firm evidence of the link between personality and job choice.

"People who aren't very nice are more likely to become managers," quoted study co-author Michelle Tan, a researcher in the economics program at the Research School of Social Science, at Australian National University, as saying.

The results further showed that men and women tended to enter different occupations, even when they had similar personality traits and skills.

The findings also revealed that despite having the same occupations, similar men and women took home widely different pay packets.

The study used a sample of 5397 men and women drawn from the Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia survey, and sought to understand the extent to which personality determined occupation and whether this could explain the gender pay gap.

The authors say that women were found to report overall higher levels of extroversion, agreeableness, emotional stability, and conscientiousness than did men.

According to them, men reported higher levels of "openness to experience", and there was no difference in men's and women's sense of being able to control the events in their life.

The study also revealed that men's personality traits closely linked to some occupations: the more "agreeable" men rated themselves on a personality test, the less likely they were to be managers or business professionals; and the more "open to experience" men were, the more likely they were to be in business or education.

The extent to which women were "open to experience" was the main influence on the jobs they held.

Just like their male counterpart, the more agreeable women tended to be the less likely they were to be managers. However, unlike men, extroversion was associated with women entering managerial ranks.

While similar men and women often ended up in different occupations, this did not explain the gender pay gap.










