
Tackling obesity needs something more than mere laws; self-discipline, need of the hour!

Prime Minister John Howard confirmed that success of previous health campaigns on AIDS and smoking gives them enough inspiration to kick start measures to combat the growing obesity problem in Australia. He was clear that introducing legislation to curb obesity will not meet the desired result, if the basic sense of self discipline is absent.

Mr. Howard said, "We appear to be struggling as a nation with the challenge of obesity. It is something that has come upon us with alarming speed and something that's affecting all age groups. The reasons for it I think are obvious - the lack of exercise and bad diet for many people."

Though people are aware regarding the reasons for obesity, Australia has not done much to respond vigorously. "The Government can do a lot, but I do hope the community doesn't see obesity as a problem that can simply be solved by government regulation,'' Mr Howard said.

