Tamiflu drug manufactured by Roche has been approved in the Europe for use in children’s between the ages 1 to 12 years as an anti-influenza prevention drug.
Tamiflu, anti-influenza drug, which is produced by Roche Pharmaceuticals, has been approved by the European authorities to be used as an anti-flu prevention drug in children’s between the ages of 1 to 12 years. Roche Pharmaceuticals and diagnostics is a leading healthcare company situated in Switzerland and are manufacturers of Tamiflu drug.
Tamiflu drug is found to be an effective influenza virus drug, which inhibits the replication of the virus by blocking the enzyme action. Tamiflu drug is found to be effective in treating younger adults and adults and a clinical study conducted to prove the efficacy of Tamiflu drug in treating children’s aged between 1 and 12 years was found to be effective in controlling and treating patients with influenza virus, treating children’s below 12 years of age is very important as treating the old as they are more vulnerable and susceptible to the virus infection and spread due to a decreased host immune system.Roche the manufacturers of Tamiflu drug is collaborating with WHO in distribution and stocking of Tamiflu drugs worldwide. Even WHO as asked all countries to stock Tamiflu drug, which as showed very good results in treating influenza virus infection. Though the requirement of countries for Tamiflu drug is very high, Roche is working hard to supply all the countries with its drug Tamiflu to prevent a pandemic of bird flu infection.